In one way or another, persons aged above twenty years of age find themselves in relationships. Relationships and need for closely knit companionship drives couples towards cohabiting. And cohabiting has its own beauties and not-so-beautiful unspoken battles. This is because couples living together do certain things such as sleep, cook, dine or simply enjoy enjoy each other’s company regardless of job or sleep schedules.
Have you ever met someone who disrupts you entire comfort in terms of sleep? I can not be alone in this. Some of you could have encountered one too. Either she is a blanket thief. He snores. He talks in his sleep. She kicks your privates a couple of times a month. She occasionally has night terrors. He sleeps hot. He wakes up a million times a night!
Or simply, you are someone who sleeps more soundly when cuddling therefore being single sucks. Or, on the flip side, you are someone who can not stand to be touched while sleeping. Thus, you might run into some problems when you get into a relationship. Essentially, adults are supposed to get six uninterrupted hours of sleep and factors like the ones above disrupt your sleep without noticing.
Some of the most notorious and unnoticeable sleep disruptors among couples are:
1.To chat or not to chat
You and your boo are going to have little light or deep conversations once in a while, or even worse, every night. Your boo might want to talk about their fears, aspiration or the new snacking joint she spotted in town and wants you to check it out. These chitty chatty activities are sleep disruptors. They could even cause anxiety among new couples.
2. Chilling and laying back
Couples have different ways of unwinding after a long day of disconnection from the comfort of each other’s company. Some of you probably watch the latest movie in town or catch an episode of your favorite series. One of you might be a book hog who reads late into the night thereby keeping the lampshade on for long hours. Consequently, you might be tempted to engage in sexual activities deep into the night. The above will somehow disrupt your sleeping pattern or worse cause insomnia. However, it is important to note that the above are not bad in entirety but rather sleep disruptors.
3. Get in the right sleeping position
When you are cohabiting, there is a sense of adapting a sleeping position that will accommodate your boo. For instance, if you love sleeping in the fetal position you are sometimes forced to change your sleeping position. For instance, you might be forced to start sleeping on your stomach which may end up causing back problems or a stiff neck. Even more interesting is the fact that, single people are more likely to sleep on their stomach, a sleeping position that is associated with formation of wrinkles on the face.
Many men and women who are single care about their health.They tend to keep fit by exercising, eating right and live healthy lifestyles in general. Regular exercises increase metabolism levels in the body thereby increase sleep concentration levels. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle boosts the quality of sleep that you enjoy every night.
Regardless of your relationship status, quality sleep is fundamental for ideal living. Practicing a healthy lifestyle as an individual will greatly enhance your sleep experiences. It is important to note that rest cannot be quantified but rather qualified by personal incentives to achieve satisfaction from sleep and bedroom lifestyles.