Superfoam Ltd Supports Housing Project With 100 Mattress Donation

19 November 2018

Twenty-five families in Rumuruti, Laikipia County received 100 mattress donations from Superfoam Ltd in a partnership to promote housing and sleep among internally displaced families.

The donations are part of a wider partnership between Superfoam Ltd, The Dow Chemical Company and Habitat for Humanity-Kenya. Beneficiaries of the project are conflict victims in the larger Laikipia County.

According to Superfoam’s Marketing Manager, Sanskrati Shetty, the collaboration is towards supporting an initiative dubbed

“Support to Laikipia Orphans and Vulnerable Children through housing and Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) provision.” “We are pleased to partner with like minded organizations who think about global sustainable development goals. Through such collaborations, every Kenyan, can access proper housing and WASH facilities regardless of their social or economic status,” said Shetty.

Dow Chemicals Company is currently supporting the construction of four new houses, which Superfoam Ltd pledged to provide sleeping solutions upon their completion. Sleep is a universal human right, therefore, Superfoam are there to provide access to sleeping solutions to all.

According to scientists’ reports, humans spend a third of their life asleep. This means that, if you are 60 years, you have already spent 20 years lying on mattress. This may sound like 20 years of your life spent doing nothing but it is among the determinants that are keeping you sane.