Children’s home benefit from Superfoam’s mattress, pillow donation

26 April 2019

Children in Umbrella of Homes for Orphans and Vulnerable children can now have access to proper sleep after receiving a mattress donation from Superfoam Limited.

The facility which is located in Kahawa West, Nairobi County is home to over 40 vulnerable children. The beneficiaries received 15 mattresses and furniture items like bunk beds ,baby cots and warm clothes.

The donation program aims to improve the general well being of the children who lack a proper place to rest.

” We have taken a strategic decision to support the society by joining hands with organisations and facilities that are committed towards rehabilitating and taking care of the vulnerable. We have partnered with this facility to cement our commitment towards ensuring that everybody has access to proper sleep, which is a basic human right. Our goal is to enable children in this facility achieve their optimum potential by having a warm place to rest considering the dangers posed by perennial long rains,” said Mike Fisher- CEO Superfoam Limited.

Boaz Onyango,Director Umbrella of Homes, termed the gesture as timely and necessary considering the onset of the rainy season. “We are relieved that these children are going to enjoy a goodnight sleep. They will no longer be exposed to respiratory complications owing to the fact that they will not be sleeping on the floor and breathe in dust.”

According to World Bank, Kenya has a housing deficit of over 2 million units, a statistic which depicts the poor levels of access to proper sleep.

It is also estimated that there are over 250,000 street children in Kenya who lack a place to call home and consequently lack access to adequate sleep.