Superfoam Wins the Best Brand at the 26th Kenya Homes Expo 2018
The 26th Kenya homes expo held at KICC Nairobi from 12-15th April 2018 was exceptional for Superfoam Ltd with the brand winning 2 awards – 1st prize in the category of Interior design furnishing supplies and also winning the title of overall best brand at the expo amongst all the participating brands.
The 26th Homes Kenya expo is the biggest home in East & Central Africa, which showcases all home related sectors.
“We are overwhelmed by the response of the visitors at the show and winning 2 awards in our first time at the Kenya homes expo. Mattress man mascots, Promoters wearing Pyjamas were some of the triggers that helped us achieve the result”
– Sanskrati Shetty, Marketing Manager, Superfoam Ltd.
“We believe that every Kenyan deserves a good night sleep and we are here to service this belief by providing the best sleep solution to the Kenyan market. We are very happy with the outtake from this expo and intend to continue using platforms like these to highlight the brand”
– Mike Fischer, CEO, Superfoam Ltd./p>
The brand crafted an experience zone at the expo which aims at making the purchase journey of mattress shopping a more informative and easy. Showcasing the entire range of Kids range to school mattresses, Orthopaedic and various densities and also launched it Memory Foam range at the expo at an affordable price.